Broad Beans: the season for this plant has just arrived and you can find it easily on the market.
Starting with the health properties of broad beans, it should be mentioned that this plant constitutes a huge source of folic acid so needed in pregnancy. 100g of broad beans exceeds 100% of our dietary requirements for this nutrient! In addition to folic acid we also find other essential vitamins and minerals: group-B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, iron or calcium. Also, it is a brilliant source of protein, great for vegans and vegetarians (100g provides about 7.5g of protein). Due to its low fat content and high fiber content, it is also recommended for weight loss as it provides a long feeling of satiety, lowers LDL cholesterol levels and regulates blood pressure.
When it comes to contraindications for consumption of this plant, it is certainly not recommended to women with gestational diabetes. Despite the high content of folic acid, after cooking this vegetable has a high glycemic index, and it is better for pregnant women. Those with diabetes should choose another source of folic acid, such as spinach, kale, zucchini and broccoli. It is not recommended to eat broad beans also in case of gout because of the content of purines causing the symptoms of the disease.
Broad beans like all legumes can cause distress from the digestive tract: bloating or gas. We should remember to prepare them properly to eliminate this effect: first rinse the beans, pour water over them and soak them for about an hour, then change the water and cook the beans until soft. Usually we eat it without skin, but you can eat it in its entirety, remembering that it is the shell that contains most of the minerals and vitamins.
When it comes to culinary recipes, it is an absolute duty to try broad beans as an addition to salads. It’s great to mix it up as a sandwich paste or cream soup. In the form of paste it could also serve us to prepare vegetarian burgers, “meat” balls, cutlets, pasta dishes or omelets.
It is worth going crazy with this legume because its taste combines well with many other vegetables and spices. Now it’s the best time for it, when it’s fresh and crunchy. Do not forget about proper cooking in order to get rid of the unpleasant ailments and to get the most of its precious properties.
written by Agnieszka Tokarz